Training offered by PAU
gives you a lot of
useful information
Training offered by PAU is an excellent membership benefit that you should take advantage of. There are many kinds of activities for all members and activists. You get useful information, insights and joy from the trainings.
The federation has a versatile training package, including organizational training for all member, training for guardians of the worker’s interests, courses arranged by Työväen Sivistysliitto TSL and shot-term courses for local chapters.
The easiest and fastest way to enroll in a course is to do it through the electronic Member Services system as long as the name of the course is available there.
You can also use the enrollment form by filling it and sending it by mail to the union office: PAU ry Koulutusasiat, John Stenbergin ranta 6, 00530 Helsinki. The forms can be obtained from the chapter study secretary or labour union representative.
Invitations to trainings organized by Kiljava Institute are sent by them.
Additional information about courses you can get from Training Planner Juha Jaatinen, phone: 050 302 8466, e-mail: juha.jaatinen(at)