The collective labour agreement
is the single most important
agreement for employees
1. If you have a problem that is related to your work or work environment, the first step always is to discuss the matter with your superior.
2. If the matter remains unresolved, contact the shop steward or health & safety officer at your workplace. Shop stewards are responsible for contractual issues, including wages and working time. Health & safety officers oversee safety in the work environment and monitor compliance with rules, regulations and instructions related to occupational safety.
3. If the matter still remains unresolved, contact your chief stop steward or occupational safety representative together with your shop steward or health & safety officer. They will negotiate the matter with the local employer.
4. If the situation so demands, national chief stop stewards or occupational safety representatives can subsequently negotiate the matter with the company’s management.
5. If the matter cannot be resolved within the company, the union shall negotiate with the employer’s union.